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Articles of Association and Rules


1.1. A nonprofit partnership "The Guild of Antiquarian Booksellers", hereinafter referred to as “Partnership”, is a membership-based, nonprofit organization, founded by legal and natural persons, for providing support to its members in activities for pursuing the goals as defined by these Articles.

1.2. The Partnership shall realize its activities as defined in the Civil Code of Russian Federation, Federal Law of Russian Federation “On Nonprofit Organizations” No. 7-ФЗ of the 12th of January 1996, other legal texts of Russian Federation, generally recognized principles, admitted international laws and these Articles.

1.3. The long name of the Partnership in Russian is: Некоммерческое партнерство "Гильдия антикваров-книжников", in abbreviated form: НП "ГАК".

The long name of the Partnership in English is: Nonprofit Partnership "Guild of Antiquarian Booksellers", in abbreviated form: NPP "GAB".

1.4. The place of business of the Partnership is: Russian Federation, 125284 Moscow, Begovaya Street, house 24.

1.5. The Partnership is founded as a legal person from the point of its state registration in accordance with a legal established procedure.

1.6. The Partnership is established without limitation in activity period.

1.7. The Partnership possesses a separate property, is liable for its obligations with this property (except when statute-established), can acquire and exercise the property and non-property rights on its own behalf, fulfill the obligations, be a claimant and a respondent in the court; for the pursuing its aims it has a right to conclude any bargains according to the legislation of Russian Federation.

1.8. The Partnership has an independent balance, has a right to establish and to use when due hereunder ruble and currency accounts at the banks and at the other credit institutions on the territory of Russian Federation and outside.

1.9. The Partnership has a seal with its long name in Russian. The Partnership has a right to have stamps and forms with its name, as well as an emblem registered in accordance with an established procedure.

1.10. The Requirements of these Articles are binding for fulfillment by all organs of the Partnership and its members.

1.11. The Partnership is liable for its obligations with that property on which could be inflicted a penalty in accordance with the legislation of Russian Federation.

The Partnership does not answer for obligations of the state, its organs and organisations, just as like the state, its organs and organisations do not answer for the obligations of the Partnership.

The Partnership does not answer for the obligations of the members of the Partnership, just as like the members of the Partnership do not answer for the obligations of the Partnership.

1.12. The Partnership has a right to establish branches on the territory of Russian Federation and to open representations according to the legislation of Russian Federation.

1.13. The branch and the representation of the Partnership are not legal persons, they are portioned with property by the Partnership and act on the basis of the provision approved by the Partnership. The property of the branch or the representation is included in a separate balance and in the balance of the Partnership. The leaders of the branch and the representation are appointed by the General meeting of members of the Partnership and act on basis of the letter of attorney, given out by the Partnership.

1.14. The branch and the representation act on behalf of the Partnership. The responsibility for the activities of its branches and representations exercises the Partnership.


2.1. The purpose of the Partnership is to provide support to its members in activities directed to the preservation and development of the domestic culture by development of the antiquarian trade and propaganda of old book collecting.

2.2. The purpose of activities of the Partnership is:

2.2.1. Working-out and maintenance of high ethical standards and rules of mutual relations between subjects of antiquarian book market: antiquarian book sellers, antiquaries, deliverers and buyers of book goods.

2.2.2. Consulting support and participation in the development of legislative leaderships in the field of antiquarian trade, representation of interests of this industry for the state and municipal organs

2.2.3. Unification of commercial terminology in the field of antiquarian book trade, according to the national features and the standards accepted in the foreign antiquarian trade;

2.2.4. Assistance in the edition of the special literature in book business, bibliophile, etc.

2.2.5. Scientific working-out of the matters of history and theory of the antiquarian book trade;

2.2.6. Development of all-round contacts between the Russian and foreign antiquaries booksellers, representation of interests and participation of domestic antiquaries in international associations;

2.2.7. Realization of propaganda of old book collecting and of the antiquarian book trade.

2.3. For pursuing the defined goals activities the Partnership can realize the following kinds of activity:

2.3.1. Rendering of consulting, legal, information, methodical and other assistance to the legal and physical persons in various questions of antiquarian book trade  

2.3.2. Organization of professional training, further training, experience exchange for antiquarian booksellers;

2.3.3. Development and maintenance of Internet site of the Partnership devoted to  various questions of antiquarian business

2.3.4. Organization of antiquarian book trade fairs and exhibitions

2.3.5. Organization and holding of scientific practical conferences and round tables concerning antiquarian trade;

2.3.6. Regular preparation and publication of reference manuals he handbooks meant for antiquaries (directories of the antiquarian and second-hand bookshops, auction prices, etc.)

2.3.7. Carrying out of scientific research of antiquarian market

2.3.8. Carrying out of examination of rare antiquarian books on request of  organisations and private persons;

2.3.9. Resolution of moot cases connected with attribution and quality rating of  the handwritten and printed production

2.3.10. Realization of other activities which are not prohibited by the current legislation of Russian Federation and directed to the pursuing the purposes of these Articles.

By the legislation of Russian Federation could be established the restrictions on the kinds of activity in which the Partnership has a right to be engaged.

2.4. Some kinds of activity can be realized by the Partnership only on the basis of special permissions (licenses). The list of these kinds of activity is determined by the legislation.

2.5. The Partnership can carry out business and other profitable activity as soon as it makes for pursuing of the purposes it was founded and corresponds with the stated purposes. As activity of this kind is regarded a profitable production of goods and services answering the purposes of founding of the Partnership; as well as the acquisition and selling of securities, property and non-property rights; participation in economic societies and in trust partnerships as investor.

The legislation of Russian Federation can place limitations on the business and other profitable activities of the Partnership.

2.6. In the interests of pursuing of the purpose defined by these Articles the Partnership can found the other non-profit organisations and join associations and unions.

The intervention in the economic and the other activity of the Partnership by state and other organisations is not permissible, if it is not resulting from their right on control of the Partnership activity.


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